Welcome to Park Lane Estate & Moving Sales!
Professionally Conducted Estate & Moving Sales
Are you currently dealing with the settlement of an estate, downsizing your lifestyle? So many decisions, and work to do. Let us help ease your worries. We are here to help.
We offer a sale evaluation to help guide you and offer advice so you are informed and can make the right decision for you and your needs. Never any upfront cost to you and we always handle everything.
Our company's experience is well over 80 years of combined knowledge in the Estate and Moving Sale preparation, antique retail sales, and liquidations services.
Our Estate Sale Company is proud to serve the entire Minneapolis - St. Paul Twin Cities Metropolitan area and surrounding Minnesota communities.
Please feel free to contact us anytime with any questions or concerns. We are here to help.
Open and honest communication is key to any successful sale. Let us be your agent.
If you have any questions, please email us at parklaneestatesales@comcast.net.
Minneapolis / Minneapolis Suburbs
Call: 952-261-6461
St. Paul / St. Paul Suburbs
Call: 651-600-6059
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